Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Welcome to CPG Pundit!

This is a place for perspectives on all aspects of the consumer products industry. The scope is unlimited and global -- from the manufacturing and retail / distribution supply the requirements and behaviours of shoppers and advertising, product development, branding and relevant political issues.

I shall also review what other commentators say, and invite you to share your views and agree / disagree as you see fit.

I may want to just let off steam -- or maybe influence the industry to do things better...differently...more effectively.

CPG touches everyone's life -- some have too much...others too little. Some see this industry as a force for good...others as exploitative enterprise in the raw.

I look forward to seeing what you think about what I think!


  1. Interested to know what CPG Pundit makes of the FT piece today about the tensions between retailers and suppliers being played out between Unilever and Delhaize in Belgium.,Authorised=false.html?

  2. Very interesting....I hadn't picked this one up, and will post my views shortly!
